高校图书馆利用馆藏资源为社会提供信息服务 ,必须走出单一的封闭的管理模式 ,了解社会的需求 ,建立独立的信息服务中心 ,与企业集团联合 ,建立信息服务网 ,形成布局合理、领域全面、重点突出、服务广泛的整体信息资源优势。以其在整个信息网络的带动下 ,发展和完善自己的文献信息服务工作。
Library of university that provides information for society must break the single and limited way of administration,learn society's needs,set up independent service center of information,ally itself with enterprise group,set up service net of information,therefore,information advantage of rational distribution,all-round domain,wide-ranging service could be achieved,thus developing and improving its documentary information of service work.
Journal of Jilin Province Economic Management Cadre College