

Localization and clinical significance of kindlin-1 in human gingival epithelia
摘要 目的探讨kindlin-1在人健康牙龈上皮与慢性炎症性牙龈上皮分布特点的差异,从而建立kindlin-1与牙周疾病的临床相关性。方法应用免疫组织化学和免疫印迹法,分别检测10例正常牙龈上皮以及8例慢性炎症性牙龈上皮中kindlin-1的分布。结果免疫组织化学结果显示,kindlin-1在正常牙龈上皮中主要分布于基底层细胞与上层颗粒层细胞,且在颗粒层细胞胞质中表达呈强阳性,而在基底上层细胞核内散在出现弱阳性表达;同时,kindlin-1在牙龈沟内上皮的表达明显高于游离龈上皮(P<0.05);慢性炎症性牙龈上皮中kindlin-1较正常牙龈上皮分布更加广泛,表达也增强(P<0.05)。免疫印迹的结果进一步证实慢性炎症性牙龈的kindlin-1表达较正常牙龈上皮更加强烈(P<0.05)。结论 Kindlin-1在人牙龈上皮中的分布和表达与牙龈上皮分化和炎症状态均密切相关。 Objectiv To investigate distributions of kindlin-1 in human normal gingival epithelia and chronic inflammatory gingival epithelia and establish clinical relevance between kindlin-1 and periodontal diseases.Methods Immunohistochemistry and Western blotting techniques were applied to detect the localization and expression of kindlin-1 of 10 human normal gingival epithelia and 8 chronic inflammatory gingival epithelia. Results Kindlin-1 was mainly localized in basal layer cells and upper granular layer cells of normal gingival epithelia, especially highly expressed in cytoplasm in granular layer cells, with some diffuse staining in the nuclei of suprabasal layer cells. In addition, the higher immunoractivity for kindlin-1 was observed in interdental gingiva than in free marginal gingiva (P〈0.05). Compared to normal gingival epithelia, kindlin-1 presented much wider and higher expression in chronic inflammatory gingival epithelia (P〈0.05). Western blotting further verified that kindlin-1 in chronic inflammatory gingival epithelia was higher expressed than in normal gingival epithelia (P〈0.05). Conclusion The localization and expression of kindlin-1 in human gingival epithelia are closely associated with the differentiation and inflammation.
出处 《解剖学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期641-645,共5页 Acta Anatomica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30830048) 教育部博士点基金(20100001110046)
关键词 kindlin-1 牙龈上皮 免疫组织化学 免疫印迹法 Kindlin-1 Gingival epithelia Immunohistoehemistry Western blotting Human
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