共时测试是一种并行测试方法,基于机台硬件资源的独立性,结合软件的多端口特性,可对不同测试条件和测试原理的电路模块进行有效的并行测试。V9 3000具有per-pin的硬件结构,每个数字通道具有独立的测试处理器,满足共时测试的需求。在对不同V9 3000 ATE机台中如何采用共时测试方法对SOC芯片进行测试讨论的基础上,重点对不同测试频率的并行实现方法进行分析,该方法相对传统的串行测试,可以有效降低测试时间。
Concurrent test is a parallel test method, based on the individual hardware resources, with the multi-port characteristic of software, effective parallel test of different circuit is carried out. With the per-pin hardware architecture and test processor per digital channel, V9 3000 ATE fulfills the concurrent test needs. This article gives a study of the concurrent test of SOC based on V9 3000, especially the parallel test method of different frequency. With this method, the test time is reduced effectively compared to the serial test.
Information Technology & Standardization