
先天性心脏病患儿术前父母社会支持与负性情绪的关系 被引量:13

Social support and negative emotion in parents of children with congenital heart disease before operation
摘要 目的:探讨先天性心脏病(先心病)患儿术前父母社会支持的一般特点及其与负性情绪(焦虑、抑郁)之间的关系。方法:采用自制一般情况问卷、社会支持评定量表(SSRS)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、流调用抑郁自评量表(CES-D),于术前对226例先心病患儿的父母进行问卷调查。结果:先心病患儿父母的社会支持总分及各因子得分显著低于常模;多因素多元非饱和模型的方差分析表明不同家庭月收入、手术方式了解程度的先心病患儿父母在社会支持上存在显著差异,进一步的多重检验表明家庭月收入≤1000元者显著低于1001~3000元及≥3001元者,对手术方式不了解者显著低于了解者;社会支持总分、主观支持分、客观支持分与焦虑总分、抑郁总分均呈负相关(r=–0.137~–0.272);社会支持对先心病术前患儿父母的焦虑有一定的预测作用,社会支持中的主观支持对其抑郁有一定的预测作用。结论:社会支持与先心病术前患儿父母的负性情绪有关,应加强对先心病术前患儿父母社会支持的重视与关注。 Objective:To explore the relationship between social support and negative emotion in parents of children with congenital heart disease before the operation. Methods:Social support rating scale (SSRS), self-rating anxiety scale (SAS), and Center for epidemiological survey-depression scale (CES-D) were used to assess the association between social support and anxiety and depression in 226 parents. Results:The mean SSRS score was signiifcantly lower than the normal. There was signiifcant difference in social support of parents in monthly family earning and knowledge about surgery. Parents with monthly family income≤1000 yuan had lower scores than the other groups. Parents who knew nothing about the surgery approach had lower scores. Social support was significantly correlated to negative emotion (anxiety and depression). Social support could predict anxiety and depression. Conclusion:Social support is widely and significantly correlated to negative emotion in parents of children with congenital heart disease before the surgery.
出处 《中南大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期915-919,共5页 Journal of Central South University :Medical Science
关键词 先心病 父母 社会支持 负性情绪 congenital heart disease parents social support negative emotion
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