
不同谷物对小鼠肠道菌群的影响 被引量:5

Effects of different whole grains on the intestinal microbiota of mice
摘要 以小鼠为实验对象对5种谷物(燕麦、大麦、全麦、糙米、黑米)和1种精致谷物(大米)进行动物试验。结果表明,小鼠肠道菌群的变化验证了全谷物对肠道菌群的益生调节作用,与摄入基础饲料和大米相比,摄入全谷物的小鼠肠道双歧杆菌和乳酸杆菌的数量显著上升,燕麦组均最大,分别为9.511 g(cfu)/g和8.551 g(cfu)/g,而且摄入全谷物组的小鼠粪便含水率比大米组和对照组高,说明全谷物具有改善肠道环境的作用。全谷物的料重比要比大米组和对照组高,体重增长也比较缓慢,说明全谷物在控制体重方面也有一定作用。 Effects of intaking whole grains on mice was evaluated on the basis of in vitro ex- periments. The results reconfirmed the benificial regulating effects of whole grains on intestinal mierobiota. Compared to the polished rice intaking group and control group, numbers of bifidobacterium and lactobacillus were significantly higher in mice of whole grain intaking groups, and oat group was the biggest. Numbers of bifidobacterium and lactobacillus in oat group were 9. 511 g(cfu)/mL and 8. 551 g(cfu)/mL respectively. Moreover, fecal moisture content of whole grains intaking groups were higher than that of polished rice and control group. It indicated that whole grains have the effect of improving intestinal environment. In addition, the gain ratio of whole grain intaking groups were also higher than polished rice intaking group and control group, which means that whole grains have the effects of controlling body weight as well.
出处 《粮食与食品工业》 2013年第5期51-55,共5页 Cereal & Food Industry
基金 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划课题"早餐食品工业化及装备产业示范"(项目编号:2012BAD37B08-3-1)
关键词 全谷物 大米 小鼠 肠道菌群 协调作用 whole grains white rice intestinal microbiota correlation effect
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