介绍在非酸催化生产邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOP)酯化过程设计的热量计算中 ,只利用酯化初态与终态的有关条件来进行全酯化过程的热量计算方法。该法避免传统计算方法中对许多中间状态产物的估算 ,提高了设计计算准确性 ,并为简化同类型工程设计提供一种有效的计算方法。
The author anlyzes that in the heat calculation in esterification process for production of DOP by nonacid catalysis, only uses the necessary conditions of initial state and final state for heat calculation for the whole process of esterification. By this method, calculation of many intermediate products as required in the conventional calculation method are being voided, thus raised the accuracy of design calculation and also provides a effective calculation method for the simplification of the similatr project design.
Chemical Engineering Design