目的:探讨冠状动脉搭桥术患者在机械通气治疗过程中的真实感受,为临床护士对患者施行系统、科学的护理措施提供依据。方法:进行描述性定性研究,选取10例冠状动脉搭桥术后机械通气时间≥24 h的患者,通过半结构式深度会谈方式于患者出院前收集关于机械通气治疗过程中的心理体验资料,采用现象学的方法对获得的资料进行分析整理,得出冠状动脉搭桥术患者机械通气治疗过程中的心理体验。结果:冠状动脉搭桥术患者机械通气治疗过程中的心理体验包括3个方面,分别为身体的不适和言语沟通障碍等生理感受、知觉剥夺和孤独感等心理反应、对环境和人际交往等的需求。结论:冠状动脉搭桥术患者机械通气治疗过程中存在负性心理,需要临床护士对患者进行心理评估,做好心理护理,加强护患沟通。
Objective :The aim of this study was to investigate the ture feelings of post - CABG ( coronary artery bypass grafting) pa-tients during mechanical ventilation in order to provide the basis for the implementation of systematic and scientific nursing measures by clinical nurses. Methods:The descriptive qualitative study was made and 10 patients who received mechanical ventilation t〉 24 h after CABG were selected, the data of psychological experience of those patients during mechanical ventilation were collected through semi - structured and in - depth interviews with patients before discharge. The method of phenomenology was used to process and analyze the data and the psychological experience of the patients was finally obtained. Results:The psychological experience of the patients included 3 as- pects. They were phisiological feelings like physical discomfort and impaired communication; psychological reactions like sensory depriva- tion and feelings of loneliness and other demands of environment and interpersonal communication, etc.. Conclusion : The negative emotions exist in the post - CABG patients during mechanical ventilation. The clinical nurses should conduct psychological assessment of the patients and take good psychological care for them.
Journal of Qilu Nursing