1United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UN Global E-Government Readiness Report, 2008.
3European Commission (2002), eEurope 2005: An information society for all, European Commission-COM 263, 2002, Available from., http: //europa. eu. int/eeurope.
4Accenture (2005), Leadership in customer service: New ex pectations, new experiences, The Government Executive. Retrieved September 9, 2006, from http://www. accen ture. com/Global/Services/htm.
5OECD, Thee-Government Imperative, 2003.
6UN/ASPA, Global Survey of E-government , 2000.
7The World Bank, http: //www. world bank. org/.
8UNPAN (2003), United States Global E-government Survey. Retrieved September 7, 2006, from http: //unpanl. un. org/ egovernment3, asp.