刑事诉讼法的价值不仅在于保证实体法的正确实施 ,而且有其独立存在的价值。“程序正义”体现人们追求正义、公正的价值观 ,是衡量一个国家、社会是否民主、文明、进步的重要标志。修改后的《刑事诉讼法》增加了无罪推定原则、加强被告人辩护权及被害人的权利保障、提高公开审判的力度等 ,这使我国刑事诉讼制度进一步科学化、民主化。
The code of criminal procedure not only ensures that substantive law could be carried out in a proper way, but also has its value which independently exists. “Procedural justice' reflects people's seeking after justice and just values, which is used as a very important symbol to measure whether a country or a society is democratic, civilized,advanced or not. The revised 《A Code of Criminal Procedure》 has added the principle of innocence infer,it strengthens the accused's defence right as well as the victim's legitimate interests,it also enhances the level of public trial and so forth, all of which have made the institution of criminal procedure further scientific, democratic and more conform with the principle of legal system.
Journal of Zhangzhou Teachers College:Philosophy and Social Sciences