
银行资本充足率监管与信贷波动研究 被引量:1

Study on Regulation Capital Adequacy Ratio and Bank Credit Fluctuation
摘要 随着资本监管在全球范围内的普遍实施,资本充足率标准成为影响银行行为的一个重要约束条件。由于资本监管的存在,会使得经济周期内银行信贷的波动幅度加大,进而加剧经济周期波动。次贷危机后,巴塞尔委员会出于宏观审慎监管的考虑,一方面提高了银行资本充足率监管要求,另一方面要求建立逆周期资本缓冲机制。本文从银行的监管机制出发,考察在银行业宏观审慎监管框架下,受资本充足率提高和建立资本缓冲的影响,通过银行信贷最优选择的比较静态分析表明,资本缓冲的大小是银行信贷对经济波动的敏感性的根本性影响因素,提高资本充足率会增强银行信贷的顺周期性波动。 Along with the implement ot the capital regulation in the world,the ratio of capital adequacy is becomming a important condition towords the bank behavior.Because of the capital supervision,the periodic fluctuation of bank credit will increase,which will lead to economic cycle fluctuation intensify.In macro prudential supervision framework,the Basel protocol improves the bank regulatory capital requirement,and on the other hand,advocates the establishment of countercyclical capital buffer.This article embarks from the regulation mechanism of macro-prudential regulation in the banking industry framework,under the influence of capital adequacy ratio and a capital buffer.Through establishing the bank credit optimal choice behavior model under the constraint of regulatory capital,the analysis show that,the capital buffer size is the essential factor of bank credit sensitivity on economic fluctuations,raising capital adequacy requirements will enhance bank credit procyclical under conditions of economic fluctuations.
作者 朱宇
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2013年第10期66-70,共5页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
关键词 资本充足率 信贷波动 顺周期 资本监管 Capital adequacy ratio Credit fluctuation Procyclical Regulatory capital
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