
大国之梦与生态文明--基于美、欧、中的比较 被引量:2

Dreams of Big Countries and Ecological Progress: Based on a Comparison between China,USA and Europe
摘要 大国之梦是大国对自身综合实力和国际情势理性评估的产物,是对未来发展目标和发展道路的美好愿景与合理规划。在生态文明已经成为当今世界重大课题的背景下,大国之梦的内涵必然会对生态文明发展诉求做出必要回应。大国之梦蕴含的生态文明必须建立在可持续发展思想基础之上,以生态持续为物质基础,以经济持续为核心动力,以社会发展为终极目标。"美国梦"、"欧洲梦"和"中国梦"是最引人瞩目的大国之梦,在很大程度上影响和决定着整个人类和世界的发展方向。三大梦想尽管形成的时代不同,但都含有对生态文明的解读与考量。在生态文明维度上对三者进行比较,可以更深刻地诠释大国之梦和生态文明的关系,进一步加深对中国梦的认识。 Dreams of big countries grow out of rational appraisal of their own comprehensive strength and international situation as well as desirable prospect and scientific plan for the roads and goals of future development. Against the background that the ecological progress has become a major issue of today' s world, big countries are bound to make positive response to the demands of the ecological progress when drawing up their blueprints. The ecological progress entailed in dreams of big countries must be based on sustainable development with sustainable ecology as the material base, sustainable economy as the core impetus and social development as the ultimate goal. The American Dream, the European Dream and the Chinese Dream, three eye-catching dreams of big countries, affect and determine the direction of the whole world development to a great degree. The three dreams, though conceived in different historical periods, all take the ecological progress into indepth consideration. A comparative study on the three dreams from the perspective of ecological progress can profoundly reveal the relationship between dreams of big countries and the ecological progress.
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期1-8,16,共9页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 大国之梦 生态文明 美国梦 欧洲梦 中国梦 dreams of big countries ecological progress American Dream European Dream Chinese Dream
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