

Reread Zeitgeist of Sculpture "Workers and Kolkhoz Women"
摘要 建于20世纪30年代的《工人与集体农庄女庄员》雕塑曾经是苏联人民引以为豪的标志性雕塑作品,在特定历史时期起到了弘扬苏维埃政权伟大生产力和创造力的作用,使全世界社会主义国家人民倍受鼓舞,但随着苏联的解体,该雕塑也逐渐淡出了人们的视线。进入新世纪,已进入自由经济时代的俄罗斯人民逐渐又开始缅怀苏维埃时期团结一心、蓬勃激昂的生产、生活状态;2003年,莫斯科市政府决定对雕塑进行修缮,最终于2009年竣工;认为作品中蕴含的精神内涵与时代美感是其在新的世纪、新的政治文化背景中得以重生的内在动力与决定性因素。 The sculpture "Workers and Kolkhoz Women" built in 1900s in Moscow was once the proud landmark sculp- ture of the Soviet people in the specific historical period to promote Soviet great productivity and creativity, with the peo- ple of the socialist countries in the world greatly inspired. With the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the sculpture also gradually faded out of sight. After entering the new century the Russian people who came into the free economy era grad- ually began to cherish the memory of the united, vigorous and ablaze production and life state in the Soviet period. In 2003, the Moscow City Hall decided to renovate the worn -out sculpture and the project was completed in 2009. The spiritual connotation and time aesthetic conception contained in the work form the internal motive force and decisive factor leading to the rebirth of the sculpture in the new century and new political and cultural background
作者 苗祥瑞 潘晶
出处 《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期113-116,共4页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University:Social Sciences
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(skzd11004) 西安交通大学人文社会科学学院社会重大问题研究专项课题
关键词 艺术作品 英雄主义 社会主义现实主义 俄罗斯 Soviet Union heroism socialist realism aesthetic era spiritual connotation
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