
Fe_3O_4与钡基碱性化合物混合物对六氯苯的协同降解研究 被引量:1

Investigation of the Synergetic Degradation of Hexachlorobenzene Over the Mixtures of Fe_3O_4 and Barium-based Alkalic Compound
摘要 采用Fe3O4分别与BaO、Ba(OH)2在不同质量配比物理混合后对六氯苯(HCB)在反应温度为300℃、时间为10 min的条件下进行了降解研究。结果发现BaO、Ba(OH)2分别与Fe3O4物理混合后对HCB的降解效率都高于各单一组分,表明不仅Fe3O4与BaO的混合物对HCB的降解存在协同降解效应,而且Fe3O4与Ba(OH)2的混合物对HCB的降解也存在协同降解效应,且这种协同效应能促进HCB的深度加氢脱氯。而不同质量配比的Fe3O4与Ba(OH)2、BaO混合物表现出不同的活性,当质量配比为40∶10时降解活性最高,分别为96.2%、91.5%。根据降解产物分析,推测了Fe3O4与Ba(OH)2混合物对HCB的协同加氢脱氯降解机制。 The degradation of hexachlorobenzene(HCB) over Fe3 O4 /BaO,Fe3 O4 /Ba(OH)2 mixtures with different mass ratios was investigated at 300 ℃ for 10 min.The results showed that the activities of Fe3 O4 /BaO,Fe3 O4 /Ba(OH)2 mixtures for degradating HCB were higher than those of their single materials.Not only Fe3 O4 /BaO but also Fe3 O4 /Ba(OH)2 showed obvious synergistic effect to HCB degradation.This synergistic effect promoted further dechlorination of chlorobenzene.The degradation efficiencies of HCB over both Fe3 O4 /Ba(OH)2 and Fe3 O4 /BaO varied with different mass ratios,and reached their maximum at 96.2% and 91.5%,respectively,when the mass ratio was set at 40∶10.Synergistic degradation mechanisms of the degradation of HCB over Fe3 O4 /Ba(OH)2 mixtures were proposed.
出处 《当代化工》 CAS 2013年第9期1201-1206,共6页 Contemporary Chemical Industry
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目 项目号:KZCX2-YW-QN407 国家高技术研究发展计划项目 项目号:2012AA062803) 国家自然科学基金项目 项目号:21177141 51078346
关键词 六氯苯 氧化钡 氢氧化钡 四氧化三铁 催化降解 HCB BaO Ba(OH)2 Fe3O4 Catalytic degradation
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