
浅谈社群信息学 被引量:2

Discussion on Community Informatics
摘要 阐述了网络社会、数字鸿沟和黑客精神这三个概念对社群信息学发展的推动作用;简单讨论了社群信息学的概念,明确了社群信息学与社会信息学的关系及区别,概述了社群信息学的理论意义。 The paper describes the promoting roles of the three concepts of network society ,digital divide and hacker spirit on de- velopment of community informatics, simply discusses the concept of community informatics, makes clear relationship and distinction between community informatics and social informatics, and then it summarizes the significance of the development of community infor- matics theory.
作者 王婧 张亚飞
出处 《情报探索》 2013年第10期32-34,共3页 Information Research
关键词 社群信息学 信息通讯技术(ICT) 网络社会 数字鸿沟 黑客精神 community informatics information and communication technology (ICT) network society digital divide hacker spirit
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