
绿柄桑热处理材的气-质联用分析 被引量:1

GC-MS analysis of heat-treated Okan wood
摘要 试验采用真空高温热处理方法,对非洲热带木材绿柄桑进行温度为220℃、时间为8h的高温热处理,采用气-质联用对热处理前后绿柄桑木粉的丙酮抽提物进行分析。结果表明,热处理使木材抽提物发生氧化、还原反应,抽提物中的酯基、甲氧基、羰基等发色基团的物质含量明显增多,使热处理材颜色发生明显变化。 The Okan was thermal modified at temperature 220℃ and duration 8h by vacuum. Analysis was done by GC/ MS to the acetone extract of control and treated specimen wood flour. The results show that the extract occurred oxidation- reduction reaction as a result of heat-treatment. The content of ester group, methoxyl group and carbonyl group increased, which made the color of the Okan floor changed obviously.
出处 《木材加工机械》 北大核心 2013年第4期21-24,共4页 Wood Processing Machinery
关键词 绿柄桑 热处理 气-质联用 Cylicodiscus spp thermal modification GC-MS
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