熊彼特首创的“创新”概念演变至今 ,其内涵不仅包括技术创新和制度创新 ,还应包括理论创新。这“三大创新”中 ,技术创新是基础与前提 ,制度创新是保证与关键 ,理论创新则是核心与灵魂。经济理论创新大体包括两大内容 :一是经济理论表现出独到的创新特色 ;二是经济理论发挥出创新的作用。作为最高层次的创新 ,通过技术创新和制度创新的途径 ,理论创新在经济发展中的核心与灵魂作用得以充分体现和发挥。高度重视经济理论创新乃是本文分析研究所得出的逻辑与内在结论。
The concept of innovation initiated by J.A.Schumpeter has enriched in the last fifties years.Besides technology innovation and institution innovation, theory innovation should be included.Economic theory innovation has two connotations:one is the innovation of economic theory system,the other is the innovation of applied function of economic theory.As the utmost level of the innovation,economic theory innovation show it's core function in economy development through technology innovation and institution innovation.The logic conclusion of this article is that we should attach utmost importance to economic theory innovation.