
高校青年教师心理资本培养存在的问题与应对措施探讨 被引量:4

Research on Psychological Capital Cultivation of Young Teachers in High School
摘要 心理资本是超越人力资本和社会资本的一种核心心理要素,是促进青年教师成长和绩效提升的心理资源。针对当前高校青年教师心理资本培养存在的理念落后、目标不明确、主体缺位、内容不切实际、机制不灵活等突出问题,在深入分析其原因的基础上,提出应创新培养理念、明确培养目标、发展多元化培养主体、设置基于教师职业特殊性的培养内容、建立科学合理的培养机制等。 Against some outstanding problems in the psychological capital cultivation of young teachers at high school, such as unenlightened idea, unclear goals, subject vacancy, unrealistic content, inflexible mechanism and so on. Based on analyzing these causes, this paper puts forward some and suggestions from several aspects as follows: innovate the idea, clarify the target, develop diverse subjects, and set up the content based on the particularity of teacher and establish scientific and reasonable mechanism, etc.
出处 《湖南财政经济学院学报》 2013年第5期142-149,共8页 Journal of Hunan University of Finance and Economics
基金 2012年湘潭大学教育教学改革研究项目"基于社会认可度的专业学位研究生培养质量提升研究"(项目编号:XYJG201206)阶段研究成果之一
关键词 高校 青年教师 心理资本 high school young teacher psychological capital
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