The main function of the flow field of PEMFC is to provide the fuel cell reactants and products flowing spaces. The flow field determines the inside material distribution of PEMFC. The flow field design will directly affect the performance of the battery. Aiming at the stream of bubbles formed in the reaction, we propose a way to effectively rule out the second phase, name- ly, the vice channel design. New flow field retains the flow channel of the traditional flow field, and a inlet passage of the vice flow channel is dug at the ridge. The new flow field can improve the performance of the battery, because the new primary and vice double channel flow field can be more effective to promote the exclusion of the reactant oxygen and resultant water. Compared with the traditional flow field, the average mole fraction of oxygen in the flow channel cross-sec- tion of the new flow field increases by 16.4% ,and the average mole fraction of water reduces by66~. The current density increases by20%.
Chinese Battery Industry