
北美印第安神话传说中的文化英雄 被引量:2

Culture Heroes in North American Indian Mythology
摘要 文化英雄是北美印第安传统文化中的重要形象之一,广泛存在于印第安各部族的神话传说和民间故事中。在印第安口头故事中,文化英雄的形态多样,尤以郊狼为代表的动物最为常见。北美印第安文化英雄通常具有创造世界、整顿混世和教化人类的神圣职责,是人类世界和人类文化的伟大造福者;然而,在担当神圣角色的同时,他们往往又表现出好色、自私、欺诈、偷盗等世俗的恶习,是文化传统和道德规范的违背者。这种形态多样、且集神圣性和世俗性于一体的形象看似矛盾,但如从印第安传统文化的视角加以审视则不难看出,它们不仅体现了印第安人相信自然万物皆是亲缘的传统信仰,而且彰显出印第安民族追求和谐统一、平衡共存的宇宙观。 Culture hero, a widespread character in the myths and folklores of the North American Indians, is a predominant image in their cultural tradition. In the oral tales of Native Americans, culture heroes bear diverse forms and are characterized mostly as animals, in which prairie wolves are the most common. Being responsible for creating the world, setting the world in order, and civilizing human beings, Indian culture heroes are regarded as the great benefactor of mankind. However, while playing the sacred role, they appear also as violators of the cultural tradition and moral norms, with such secular vices as lecherousness, selfishness, trickiness and theft. Examined in the light of Indian traditional culture, such ambiguous image not only reflects their tribal belief that all natural beings are related, but also demonstrates their conventional cosmology which pursues harmony, balance, coexistence and unity.
作者 郑佳 邹惠玲
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期78-84,共7页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
基金 江苏师范大学2010年校级科研课题重点项目"印第安神话传说与印第安文艺复兴的传承关系研究"(项目编号:10XWA04) 国家社科基金项目"当代美国印第安文学研究"(项目编号:11BWW054)的研究成果
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  • 1马昌仪.文化英雄论析--印第安神话中的兽人时代.民间文学论坛,1987,(1).
  • 2D·M·琼鼽、B·L·莫里努编著、于世燕译.《美洲神话》,希望出版社,2007年,前言.
  • 3Sam Gill and Irene Sullivan, Dictionary of Native American Mythology, Santa Barbara : ABC - CLIO, 1992, p. 59.
  • 4Mac Linscott Ricketts, "The North American Indian Trickster", History of Religions, vol. 5, no. 2, 1966, p. 327.
  • 5Barbara Babcok-Abrahams, "A Tolerated Margin of Mess : The Trickster and His Tales Reconsidered", Journal of the Folklore Institute, vol. 11, no. 3, 1975, p. 148.
  • 6Dawn E. Bastian and Judy K. Mitchell, Handbook of Native American Mythology, Santa Barbara: ABC - CLIO, 2004, p. 83.
  • 7Franz Boas, Race, Language and Culture, Beijing: China Social Science Publishing House, 1999, p. 484.
  • 8Paul Radin, The Trickster: A Study in American Indian Mythology, New York: Schocken Books, 1972, p. xxiv.
  • 9Mac Linscott Ricketts, "The North American Indian Trickster", History of Religions, vol. 5, no. 2, 1966, p. 334.
  • 10Franehot Ballinger, Living Sideways : Trickster in American Indian Oral Traditions, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 2004, p. 25.


  • 1Pena, Frank La. "Coyote: A Myth in the Making: An Interview with Harry Fonseca" [ J]. News from Native California 1 (November - December 1987 ).
  • 2Baker, Marie Annharte. An Old Trickster is to Laugh [ J ]. Canadian Theatre Review 68( Fall 1991 ).
  • 3Boas, Franz. Race, Language and Culture [ M ]. Beijing: China Social Science Publishing House, 1999. (Reprinted from the Free Press version in 1940).
  • 4Radin, Paul. The Trickster: A Study in American Indian Mythology [M]. New York: Schocken Books, 1972.
  • 5Erdoes, Richard and Alfonso Ortiz. American Indian Myths & Legends[C]. New York: Random House, Inc., 1984.
  • 6Ballinger, Franchot. "Ambigere: The Euro- American Picaro and the Native American Trickster" [ J ]. MELUS 17.1 ( Spring 1991 ).
  • 7Ricketts, Mac Linscott. "The North American Indian Trickster"[J]. History of Religions 5.2(1966).
  • 8Brown, Joseph Epes. The Spiritual Legacy of the American Indian [ M]. New York: Crossroad Publishing Company, 1982.
  • 9Toelken, Barre and Tacheeni Scott. "Poetic Retranslation and the 'Pretty Languages' of Yellowman" [ A ]. Traditional Native Indian Literatures: Texts and Interpretations[C]. Ed. Karl Kroeber. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1981.
  • 10Danker, Kathleen A. "Because of This I Am Called the Foolish One"[ A]. New Voices in Native American Literary Criticism[ C].











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