
动中通波束指向偏差概率分布 被引量:1

Probabilistic distribution of the SOTM beam pointing deviation
摘要 针对动中通卫星通信性能和邻星干扰的评估问题,研究了动中通天线波束的指向偏差。在坐标系关联的基础上,通过分析姿态测量误差和跟踪控制误差下的波束指向,得到了动中通波束指向偏差的概率分布模型。该模型从各种误差的综合作用效果方面来研究波束指向偏差的成因,无需考虑系统内部误差的作用机理且结构简单。研究结果表明,在假定条件下(对应实际中的平稳行车环境),动中通波束指向偏差服从瑞利分布。行车实验验证了论文模型的正确性。 The beam pointing deviation in the Satcom On-The-Move (SOTM)was studied for the evaluations of the communieation performance and the lnterIerenees txum u,~ ,,,*j probabilistic distribution model of SOTM' s beam pointing deviation was established according to the analyses of the errors of the carrier' s gesture measurement and the antenna tracking. The model is based on the comprehensive ac- tions of many factors that influence the beam pointing, but not related to the system inner mechanism. As a result, it is efficient and simple. The study shows that the beam pointing deviation in SOTM follows a Rayleigh distribution in the assumed condition that is corresponding to the stable movement environment. And the driving tests also validate the proposed statistical model, which would be also available to the future research.
出处 《高技术通讯》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期921-926,共6页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 国家自然科学基金(61179004)资助项目
关键词 卫星移动通信 指向偏差 跟踪误差 稳定平台 概率分布 mobile satellite communication, pointing deviation, tracking error, stabilization platform, probability distribution
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