
中国专利激增动因及创新力研究 被引量:19

A study on the driving forces and innovative capabilities behind China's patent explosion
摘要 "专利激增"现象解读可起到较好的自我审视与警醒作用。在回顾了1980年代欧、美、日、韩及中国台湾地区专利激增理论及实证研究的基础上,梳理解读基于专利计量的中国专利激增动因及创新力研究。经过数年努力中国"傲人"的专利申请"量变"尚未产生令人信服的创新能力"质变"。近年的创新政策"组合拳"所产生的协同效应,仅在沿海开发区的一批新兴ICT企业的国际化发展道路上得到了一定程度体现。中国是时候驻足反思,努力寻求一条适合自身创新能力建立的路径。一方面,专利与创新制度建设应在"质"与"量"的选择间溯本求源;另一方面,企业应紧跟全球产业市场脉搏,不断夯实自身研发基础,力争成为全球创新与专利战备竞赛场上一员。 Understanding the so called "patent explosion" for a country is the best way to make a self - review and so as to play the role of wake - up warning. Based on a deep review of the theories and empirical studies regarding the patent surge in European, United State, Japan and Taiwan since 1980s, this paper further investigates the driving forces and the capabilities of innovation behind the patent explosion in China during the past decade. After many years' efforts, China' s impressive quantitative change in patenting still cannot demonstrate a convictive qualitative change in its capabilities of innovation. The internationalization of those ICT companies which located in the coastal area gives evidence of the synergistic effects in its recent years endeavor in the innovation policies. It argues that, on one hand, the government should pursuing the essentials of innovation in optimizing its patent and innovation system; on the other hand, the companies should try to be a member of the global race of innovation and patent arms based on a continue and efficient R&D efforts.
作者 詹爱岚 翟青
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期1504-1511,共8页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 教育部人文社科基金项目(10YJC630366) 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY12G03031)
关键词 专利激增 专利爆炸 动因 创新力 创新政策 patent surge patent explosion driving force capability of innovation innovation policy
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