
开展终生学习的国际趋势及其启示 被引量:3

International Trend and Inspiration of Lifelong Education
摘要 With the development of information and propagation technology, "the learning age" at the threshold of the 21st century has formed a lifelong learning style in the globe village, which started in Dec, 1994 in Rome, when the First Global Conference on Lifelong Learning was held. At the conference, The World Initiative Group of Lifelong Learning was set up, which put forward the Action Agenda for Lifelong Learning for the 21st Century in 1995 and projected various lifelong learning activities to be carried gradually out in countries concerned. Such international and regional organizations as United Nations, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and European Union advocate and promote the activities by way of favored policies and strategies. Thus, lifelong learning becomes an international trend with the main tendencies as the following: * Define the perspective of establishing a learning society. * Ensure the basic right to learn. * Stress the equal opportunity to learn. * Enhance the economic benefits from lifelong learning. * Develop the cultural life of lifelong learning. * Base lifelong learning on the experiences gained from adult learning. With reference to the experiences of those countries advocating lifelong learning, the two regions across the Strait should reinforce their work to secure the right to learn; develop a variety of learning resources, provide equal opportunity to learn, extend the function of formal educational system and establish an efficient mechanism in lifelong learning. With the development of information and propagation technology, 'the learning age' at the threshold of the 21st century has formed a lifelong learning style in the globe village, which started in Dec, 1994 in Rome, when the First Global Conference on Lifelong Learning was held. At the conference, The World Initiative Group of Lifelong Learning was set up, which put forward the Action Agenda for Lifelong Learning for the 21st Century in 1995 and projected various lifelong learning activities to be carried gradually out in countries concerned. Such international and regional organizations as United Nations, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and European Union advocate and promote the activities by way of favored policies and strategies. Thus, lifelong learning becomes an international trend with the main tendencies as the following: * Define the perspective of establishing a learning society. * Ensure the basic right to learn. * Stress the equal opportunity to learn. * Enhance the economic benefits from lifelong learning. * Develop the cultural life of lifelong learning. * Base lifelong learning on the experiences gained from adult learning. With reference to the experiences of those countries advocating lifelong learning, the two regions across the Strait should reinforce their work to secure the right to learn; develop a variety of learning resources, provide equal opportunity to learn, extend the function of formal educational system and establish an efficient mechanism in lifelong learning.
作者 王政彦
出处 《开放教育研究》 2000年第6期35-39,共5页 Open Education Research
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