

Thinking of company innovating spirit cultivation under economy transformation and upgrading background
摘要 企业作为经济的基本细胞决定着经济的发展水平。目前中国一大批原有的老企业由于结构臃肿、缺乏灵活性而面临停滞不前甚至被淘汰的危险。在环境快速变化的今天,公司创业精神作为一种推动现有企业进行创新、创业以及变革的精神动力和智力源泉,对于激发企业活动、提高企业绩效、带动新一轮的经济发展具有重要的现实意义。文章主要从创业精神的性质特点出发,指出其对于我国经济转型升级的内在推动作用,然后分析现阶段我国公司创业精神缺失的现状及原因,在此基础上以企业的角度从创业资源、创业动力和创业观念三个方面探讨培育公司创业精神的对策和建议。 Enterprise, as the basic cell of economic, determines the level of economy development, At pre- sent, a large number of existing enterprises in China are in danger of stagnation or even appearance due to the lack of flexibility,overbearing and conformism. In today's rapidly changing environment,corporate en- trepreneurship is considered as the spiritual motiva- tion and intellectual source to drive innovation,en- trepreneurship and revolution .which is of practical significance to boost entrepreneurial activities,im- prove performance and drive further development of e- conomy.ln this paper,firstly summarize the character- istics of corporate entrepreneurship,construct the driving force for China's economic transformation and upgrading;then analyze the present situation and rea- sons for lack of corporate entrepreneurship;based on the above mentioned,work out the measures and sugges- tion to in terms of entrepreneurial resources, en- trepreneurial drive and entrepreneurial concept to foster corporate entrepreneurship from the perspective of enterprise.
作者 常萌萌
机构地区 宁波大学商学院
出处 《特区经济》 2013年第9期194-196,共3页 Special Zone Economy
关键词 经济转型升级 公司创业精神 创新 创业 economic transformation and upgrading corporate entrepreneurship innovation entrepreneur-ship
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