With the rapid development of the art market, lots of fakes are flooding the market due to the speculators' thirst for huge profits, and frequently corae the news thai "sky-high priced" fakes are sold in auctions. The deliberate auction fraud has not only brought huge economic losses to the buyers, it will also cause a serious crisis of confidence in the art nmrket over time. Therefore, auction fraud should be regulated by the Criminal l,aw as a serious criminal offence. In addition, owing to its nature of concealing the truth and fabricating facts, exemption clauses can not rule out the actors' fraudulence and the buyers' suspicion can not cut off the causal relationship between the dupe's errors and fraudulen! conducts, and the perpetrators achieve the ultimate purpose of illegal possession of property, so this act should be regulated by the crime of fraud.
Journal of Guizhou Police Officer Vocational College