开场白! 肯恩正在看一个节庆的游行表演,在游行中有很多精彩的事物。罗柏也喜欢游行,他喜欢士兵和他们的制服,罗柏也喜欢消防车和花车游行。肯恩喜欢糖果,游行的时候人们会丢糖果给小朋友,不过肯恩会拿到一两颗糖。
Let's begin! Ken is watching a hofiday parade. There are many exciting things in parades. Rob likes parades, too. He likes the soldiers and their uniforms. Rob likes the fire trucks and floats., too. Ken likes candy. People throwcandy to children at parades. But Ken can get a piece:: or two.