目的 鉴定IRM-2小鼠cDNA文库的全长cDNA功能.方法 以IRM-2小鼠的21条表达序列标签为引物进行PCR,从IRM-2小鼠全长cDNA文库中测定cDNA克隆的序列.观察小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞经6.5 Gy γ射线照射后全长cDNA的表达和全长cDNA转染对辐射敏感细胞共济失调性毛细血管扩张症(AT)5B1VA细胞生长的影响.结果 小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞经照射后,IRM-2小鼠4号、5号和2号cDNA表达水平均高于其亲本ICR小鼠和615小鼠.将全长cDNA转染AT5B1VA细胞,经照射后4号、5号和2号cDNA细胞存活率较高.结论 IRM-2小鼠4号、5号和2号全长cDNA具有较强的抗辐射功能.
Objective To identify the function of full-length cDNA sequence from IRM-2mouse cDNA library.Methods Full-length cDNA products were amplified by PCR from IRM-2mouse cDNA library according to twenty-one pieces of expressed sequence tag.The expression of full-length cDNAs were detected after mouse embryonic fibroblasts were exposed to 6.5 Gy γ-ray radiation.And the effect on the growth of radiosensitivity cells AT5B1VA transfected with full-length cDNAs was investigated.Results The expression of No.4,5 and 2 full-length cDNAs from IRM-2mouse were higher than that of parental ICR and 615 mouse after mouse embryonic fibroblasts irradiated with γ-ray radiation.And the survival rate of AT5B1VA cells transfected with No.4,5 and 2 full-length cDNAs was high.Conclusion No.4,5 and 2 full-length cDNAs of IRM-2 mouse are of high radioresistance.
International Journal of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine