
康拉德非洲题材小说中“无法埋没”的女性形象 被引量:1

"Never-be-buried" :Women Images in the African Novels of Joseph Conrad
摘要 本文着重分析约瑟夫·康拉德非洲题材小说中的女性形象。研究认为,作者有意识地强化男∕女和主体∕客体的二元对立,期盼这种充满男性力度的美学风格为身染沉疴的英国人开出一剂拯救的良药。然而小说叙事主人公近乎独白的叙事方式与自相矛盾的男性叙事话语,最终颠覆了其主观意图,女性反而从被隐藏的文本深层结构里浮现出来,并在一定程度上是积极、有力且富于光彩的,使得康拉德式的"拯救"在非洲原始丛林里无法摆脱尴尬的命运,并最终折射出作者的男性中心意识和欧洲中心主义的虚妄。 This paper focuses on the analysis of the women images in the African novels of Joseph Conrad. The study shows that the author purposely strengthens the male/female and the subject/object dichotomies, in the hope that such kind of trial, full of the esthetics of masculine power, could be acting as a good rescue medicine for the severely sick British. However, the narrative style of the hero~ approximate monologue and the con- tradictory male narrative discourse ultimately subvert his subjec- tive intent,so that the women hidden behind the deep structure of the text, on the contrary, emerges, and to some extent, appear to be positive, powerful and full of luster, which makes the Conrad-style "rescue" in the African jungle an inescapable fate of embarrassment and finally reflects the author's male-centered consciousness and Eurocentric illusion.
作者 岳峰
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期82-85,共4页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"殖民时代与后殖民时代英国小说中的非洲形象研究"(项目编号:11CWW026) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"二十世纪英国文学中的非洲形象"(项目编号:09YJC751076)的阶段性成果
关键词 男权神话 爱德华时代 文化身份 欧洲中心主义 patriarchal myth Edwardian era cultural identity Eurocentricism
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