分析Multisim 10和Protel DXP 2004这两种电子设计自动化(EDA)软件的各自优势,探讨出一种将两者相结合的电子电路设计方法。以抢答器电路为例,论述了应用Multisim 10进行电路设计仿真以及使用Protel DXP 2004制作印刷电路板(PCB)的操作流程,解决了两种软件之间相互连接、转换与兼容的问题,并验证了此种设计方法的简便性。
By analyzing the advantages of two Electronic Design Automation software between Muhisim 10 and Protel DXP 2004, this paper probes an electronic circuit design method combining two types of software. And then the answer circuit example shows the operating process from circuit designing and simulating by Muhisim 10 to PCB making by Protel DXP 2004. Meanwhile the problem of interconnection, transformation and compatibility between two types of software is resolved. Also it validates this kind of electronic circuit design simplicity, effectiveness and practicality.
Equipment Manufacturing Technology