
核电站凝汽器检漏装置的设计及应用 被引量:8

Nuclear Power Plant Condenser Leak Detection Device Design And Application
摘要 检漏装置是核电站建设中的关键设备,其设计目的是快速检测判断凝汽器设备是否泄漏。通过真空泵从凝汽器可能泄漏点分别抽取样水,在线化学仪表检测样水硬度变化,当样水硬度达到报警设定值判定凝汽器出现漏点,切换取样点快速检测泄漏点的方位。通过凝汽器检漏装置的设计及应用,来验证了检漏装置的实用有效性,同时其智能化远程控制在很大程度上降低了凝汽器泄漏事故检修时工作人员的劳动强度,使可能造成的风险降到最低。 Leak detection device is the key equipment in nuclear power plant construction, which is designed to quickly detect determine condenser equipment leaks.By a vacuum pump taken, online chemistry instrumentation like water hardness changes set point Through value determining condenser leakage may leak from the condenser water samples were , when the sample water hardness reaches the alarm occurs, switch the sampling point rapid detection of leaks orientation. the condenser leak detection device design and application, to verify detection device, while its smart remote control a large extent reduce the condenser of workers, so that may cause minimize risk. the practical effectiveness of leak leakage overhaul the labor intensity
出处 《装备制造技术》 2013年第9期146-148,共3页 Equipment Manufacturing Technology
关键词 核电 国产化 凝汽器 检漏 nuclear localization condenser leak
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