通过对鲁西北一次典型的中尺度对流复合体 ( MCC)环境物理量场特征分析 ,从一个侧面揭示了鲁西北 MCC生成、发展的环境条件。结果表明 :MCC发生在副高西北侧深厚的高能级、准饱和、潜在不稳定的气层中 ,5 0 0 h Pa东移的中支短波槽是MCC的触发系统 ;高、低空急流和低层辐合流场对 MCC的生成和发展具有重要的作用。
By an analysis of some characteristics of the environment physical field of a typical MCC,an important aspect of the environment conditions of the emergence and development of the MCC over the northwest of Shandong Province was revealed.The results show that MCC appears in the air layers of deep and thick high energy scale,quasi saturation and latent instability in the northwestern side of the subtropical high,and the middle latitude short wave trough of 500hPa moving eastward is the initiation system of MCC.The conver gence stream field of the upper level jet stream and low level jet stream play an important part in the emergence and development of the MCC.
Meteorological Monthly