目的观察慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者呼出气冷凝液(EBC)中IL-8与8-异向前列腺素水平的变化。方法对已确诊为COPD的30例患者(急性加重期和稳定期各15例)及15例健康志愿者(对照组),采用呼出气冷凝液(EBC)收集器收集患者和健康志愿者的EBC,EBC中IL-8的检测采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)、8-异向前腺素的检测采用酶免疫法(EIA),同时测定肺功能。结果 COPD急性加重期患者EBC中IL-8的水平为(861.146 3±679.428 2)ng·L-1,明显高于COPD稳定期患者的水平(416.213 2±383.965 1)ng·L-1(P<0.05);COPD急性加重期患者EBC中8-异向前列腺素的水平为(6.110±2.325)ng·L-1,明显高于COPD稳定期患者的水平(2.980±1.893)ng·L-1(P<0.05)。COPD患者EBC中IL-8与FEV1%、FEV1/FVC呈正相关(r=0.396、0.512,均P<0.01);8-异向前列腺素与FEV1%、FEV1/FVC呈负相关(r=-0.39、-0.76,均P>0.05)。结论 EBC的收集过程无创、安全、简便、可行。COPD患者EBC中的IL-8和8-异向前列腺素可作为评价COPD气道炎症反应、氧化应激状态和病情严重程度的较好指标。
Objective To observe the changes in the levels of intedeukin-8 (IL-8) and 8- isoprostane in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods The EBC was collected using EcoScreen in 15 patients with acute exacerbation of COPD, 15 patients with stable phase of COPD and 15 healthy subjects. The levels of IL-8 and 8- isoprostane in EBC were detected by ELISA and EIA, respectively. In addition, lung function was determined. Results Compared with patients with stable phase of COPD, both IL-8 and 8-isoprostane levels significantly increased in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD [(861.146 3-+679.428 2) ng.L-1 vs (416.213 2+383.965 1) ng.L-1 and (6.110_+2.325) ng'L-lvs (2.980~1.893) ng.L-~, respectively; P〈 0.05). The levels of IL-8 in EBC were positively correlated with FEVI% and FEV1/FVC in COPD patients (r--0.396 and 0.512, respectively, P〈0.01 ). However, the levels of 8-isoprostane in EBC were negatively correlated with FEV1% and FEV1/FVC in COPD patients (r=-0.39 and -0.76, respectively, P〉0.05). Conclusion EcoScreen is non-invasive, safe, simple and feasible for the collection of EBC. The levels of IL-8 and 8-isoprostane in EBC can be used as the indicators for assessing airway inflammation, oxidative stress and disease severity in patients with COPD.
Practical Clinical Medicine