

“Triangular Organization”regime from the perspective of consultative democracy
摘要 对协商民主进行了理论分析,指出协商民主的基本特征有公共性、合法性、政治权威主导性。"三三制"政权有中国共产党的正确领导,在政权工作中与非党人士实施民主协商,充分发挥参议会这一协商民主形式的作用,实施普遍平等的选举制,因此,"三三制"政权是协商民主的雏形。"三三制"政权建设对加强社会主义协商民主建设的启示有:提高党的领导水平,扩大协商民主的主体,丰富协商的内容,创新协商民主的形式,加强协商民主制度建设等。 The paper makes a theoretical analysis of consultative democracy and points out the basic characteristics of publicness, legitimacy and political authoritative dominance. Under the leadership of the CPC, the "Triangular Organization" implements democratic consultation with non- party people in the work of the regime, gives full play to the role of the council form of consultative democracy, and practices the universal and equal election. Therefore, the "Triangular Organization" regime serves as the embryo of consultative democracy. The enlightenments of "Triangular Organization" regime to the strengthening of socialist consultative democracy construction are : to raise the leading level of the CPC, to enlarge the number of participants in consultative democracy, to innovate the form of consultative democracy and to strengthen the system construction of consultative democracy.
作者 朱磊
出处 《安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第3期33-36,共4页 Journal of Anhui University of Science and Technology:Social Science
关键词 协商民主 "三三制"政权 视角 consultative democracy "Triangular organization" regime perspective
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