
高压水射流剥蚀橡胶材料的数值模拟 被引量:1

Numerical simulation of high-pressure water jet breaking rubber material
摘要 将高压水射流技术应用与废旧轮胎的回收是一项新的技术发展趋势。采用光滑粒子流体动力学耦合有限元方法,对水射流冲击破碎橡胶进行数值仿真分析。较好的反映了水射流与橡胶材料相互作用变形的的宏观物理过程,证明了该仿真方法适用于此类问题,为理解橡胶颗粒剥蚀机理提供了参考。 A new technology trend is recycling of discarded tires by high -pressure water jet technology .Numeri-cal simulation analysis of the process of rubber peeling by water jet was carried out by using finite element meth -od for smooth particle hydrodynamics coupling , which reflects the macroscopic physical process of rubber deform-ation under interaction between water jet and rubber material .It showed that the simulation method is applicable to such issues , and provides a reference to understanding of rubber particles denudation mechanism .
作者 张东速 刘辉
出处 《安徽理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第3期11-14,共4页 Journal of Anhui University of Science and Technology:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51175139)
关键词 高压水射流 光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH) 橡胶剥蚀 数值模拟 high pressure water jet smooth particle hydrodynamics rubber denudation numerical simulation
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