

Wilczek's Conception of Space
摘要 2004年诺贝尔物理学奖得主韦尔切克认为历史上存在着三种不同类型的空间观念:空间只是为粒子运动提供场所的一个惰性容器,是"空的";空间是一个有独立特性的媒介,是"满的";以及空间是最基础的物理实在,而粒子等传统的物理实在源自于空间。韦尔切克持最后一种空间观。他认为空间是一种由数种不同类型的基本量子场叠加构成的实体,所有其它实体均源自空间实体。相对论中的时空只是这些基本量子场之一。韦尔切克的空间观念比较接近时空哲学实体说中的超实体说,但比超实体说具有更为丰富的内涵。 Frank Wilczek who won the Nobel Prize of Physics in 2004 thinks that there were three different kinds of conceptions of space in the his- tory. The first one takes space as an inertia empty room for the movements of particles. The second one takes space as a medium of particles' interac- tion which is full. The third one takes space as a fundamental reality and the origin of other physical realities. Wilczek agrees with the last one. He thinks that space is reality which is the superposition of several quantum fields and the spacetime of GTR just one part of the space. Wilczek's con- ception of space is could be explained to be a supersubstantivalism in philosophy of spacetime, but is richer that supersubstantivalism.
作者 罗栋
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期29-33,共5页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 韦尔切克 空间 以太 时空哲学 超实体说 Frank Wilczek, space, ether, philosophy of spacetime, supersubstantivalism
  • 相关文献


  • 1Wilczek, F., Four Big Questions with Pretty Good Answers, Fundamental Physics - Heisenberg and Beyond [J], 2004, pp 79-97.
  • 2Wilczek, F., The Persistence of Ether, Physics Today [J], 1999, January, pp. 11-13.
  • 3Wilczek, F., the Lightness of Being:Mass, Ether and the Unification of Forces [M], 2008, New York: Basic Books, p.77, p73, p.74, p.75, pp.106-109, pp. 73-111, pp. 102-103.
  • 4Einstein, A., 'On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies', in Einstein, et al.[C], 1952, pp.35-65.
  • 5Wilczek, F., Fantastic Realities [M], 2006, World Scientific Publishing, p.293.
  • 6Skow, B., Once upon a spacetime [D], D.Phil thesis, New York: New York University, 2005, pp.54-55.
  • 7Earmann, J., World enough and spacetime [M], 1989, Cam- bridge: MIT Press, pp.154-163.








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