
人生存和发展的保障在城市公共建设中的落实——基于人的发展与经济发展关系的视角 被引量:7

People's Survival and Development in the Urban Public Construction——From the Perspective of the Relationship Between Human Development and Economic Development
摘要 文章认为,城市公共建设是一项关乎民生的事业,与人的生存和发展密切相关,公共建设设施事故频发已经是城市最伤不起的事。城市公共建设水平与经济发展直接相关,但经济发展水平不决定城市公共建设水平,对人自身生存和发展保障的认识是城市公共建设水平的决定性因素。城市公共建设水平的决定不以计划当时的经济水平为依据,要以城市公共建设项目的安全使用年限为依据。城市公共建设对人生存和发展的保障是一件实践性很强的事情,要在现实生产、生活过程中落实城市公共建设对人生存和发展的保障。城市公共建设必须是长寿、耐用以及长久安全的产品,长久安全地保障人生存和发展的要求往往会超前于经济发展水平,处理好当前经济发展水平与确保今后相当长时间内公共产品或公共服务能够安全使用,是政府提供公共产品或公共服务时必须做到的事。只有超前设想、超前设计、超前建设,甚至超前消费,才能使城市公共建设起到保障人生存和发展的作用。而对人生存和发展的保障关键在于城市公共建设的制度保障和品质保障。 The paper considers that urban public construction is one of the most important issues in people's livelihood, which is closely related to people's survival and development. However, accidents happen in the construction of public facilities affect the development of urban public construction. The level of urban public construction is directly related to economic development, but the level of economic development does not determine the level of urban public construction; it is the understanding of one's own survival and development of security is the decisive factor of urban public construction level. Urban public construction should be planned on the basis of its safety use years. Urban public construction for the security of people's survival and development is a practical matter, which should be a guarantee for people's survival and development in the processes of production and life. Urban public construction must be long-term, durable and safe products to ensure people's survival and development requirements ahead of economic development level, to deal with the current level of economic development and ensure the future safe use of public products and public service, and that is the government to provide public goods or public service have to do. Only advanced idea, advanced design, construction in advance, the excessive consumption, can the urban public construction play a role of guarantee people's survival and development. For people's survival and development the key of the urban public construction is the security of the system guarantee and quality guarantee.
作者 巫文强
出处 《改革与战略》 2013年第10期12-17,共6页 Reformation & Strategy
基金 广西人的发展经济学研究基地项目(项目编号:2014RFJD01)
关键词 人的生存和发展 城市公共建设 安全使用年限 制度保障 品质保障 people's survival and development the urban public construction safe use years institutional guarantee quality guarantee
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