中国瘤额实蝇属Vidalia R.-D.现知14种。本文记述其中的3个新种和1个新亚种:独纹瘤额实蝇V.unicinata sp.nov.,黑背瘤额实蝇V.nigritata sp.nov.,泛黑瘤额实蝇V.pulla sp.nov.,中华瘤额实蝇V,cornuta sinica subsp.nov.;并记载3个中国新纪录,即三剑瘤额实蝇V.triceratopt Bezzi(中国:四川;印度),桠斑瘤额实蝇V.crassiseta Hering(中国:西藏;缅甸),萨塔瘤额实蝇V.satae Ito(中国:四川;日本)。
This paper deals with fourteen species of the genus Vidalia Robineau-Desvoidy collected from China. Among them three species and one subspecies are described as new to science, three species are recorded for the first time in this country. A key to Chinese species is prepared The type specimens except for otherwise noted are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Aca-demia Sinica, Beijing.Vidalia unicinata sp. nov. (Figs. 1-2)This new species is readily differentiated from other known Vidalia by having two horns on the anterior sides of the male frons, the horns subequal in length to the head and with four pairs of inferior fronto-orbitals flattened, enlarged into ensiform, the anterior two situa-ted on the top of the horns and the hind two along the stem; one pair of superior fronto-orbi-tals normal, but thin and short; ocellar bristles minute. Dorsocentral bristles situated before the level of anterior supraalars. Wings hyaline except for a broad brown costal stripe, crossvein r-m situated before the middle of cell 1M2.Length: body, 4.7mm; wing, 5.2mm.Holotype ♂, Yushu (33°N, 97°E), Qinghai Province, 3700m, July, 11. 1964, collected by Wang Shu-yong.Vidalia nigritata sp. nov. (Figs. 3-4)Resembling V. triceratops Bezzi because of the anterior sides of the male frons raised info two irregular carinae and the presence of two pairs of superior fronto-orbitals. It differs from the latter in having only three pairs of anterior fronto-orbial bristles. Genae rather broad, approximately as high as an eye. Mesonotum black except for the yellow lateral margins and mesophragma entirely black. Dorsocentral bristles situated behind the line of the anterior supraalars. Wing hyaline, marked with 5-7 brown spots as shown in fig. 4.Length: body, 4.5-5.0 mm; wing, 5.0-5.5mm.Holotype ♂, Xiangcheng (28°N, 99°E), Sichuan Province, 3950m, July 4. 1982, collec- led by Wang Shu-yong.Vidalia pulla sp. nov. (Figs. 5-7)This new species differs from other known species of Vidalia in the following characters:1. The carinae occur on the hind sides ot the male frons, well developed, about equal in height to the eye and with only a single peak; three inferior fronto-orbitals on the carinae, the first one normal, short, the second and the third flat, ensiform, the second on the top ot the carinae is the longest.2. Body largely black; wing markings blackish brown with a costal hyaline wedge behind the stigma ending on cell Rs, not ex'ending to vein r4+5.3. Dorsocentral bristles situated on a line with the anterior supraalars. Length: body, 4.9-5.1 mm; wing, 4.8-5.0 mm.Holotype ♂, allotype ♀, Mt. Emei (29°N, 103°E), Sichuan Province, 1800-2000 m, July. 17. 1957, collected by Huang Ke-ren.Vidalia cornuta sinica sp. nov. (Figs. 8-10)Closely related to V. cornuta (Scopoli) from Europe and USSR, but distinguished chiefly by the following features: (1) The horn process on the anterior sides of the male frons longer than the head. (2) Four pairs of inferior fronto-orbitals flattened and ensiform, almost of uni. form size, rather than the inner shorter. (3) Abdomen in male and female, thorax in female only covered with black pubescence. (4) With only one pair of mesopleural bristles.Length: body, 5.6-6.3 mm; wing, 5.8-6.7 mm.Holotype ♂, Zhamo (29°N, 95°E), Xizang Province, 2700 m, July, 21. 1978; allotype ♀, paratype 1♀, Bomi (29°N, 95°E), Xizang, 3050m, July, 14-16. 1978, collected by Li Fa-sheng. The type specimens are kept in the Department of Plant Protection of Beijing Agricultural University.Vidalia triceratops Bezzi, 1913New record from China: Sichuan; India. Vidalia crassiseta Bering, 1938 New record from China: Xizang; Burma. Vidalia satae Ito. 1984New record from China: Sichuan (Mt. Emei); Japan.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica