
阈下知觉研究的三个层面 被引量:2

Three Levels of the Research in Subliminal Perception
摘要 阈下知觉的研究有三个层面,第一是阈下知觉的存在及影响效果研究;第二是阈下知觉的心理机制的研究;第三是阈下知觉的应用研究。在这三个层面中,阈下知觉的存在及影响效果研究最为成熟,实验范式最为完善,数据最有说服力;阈下知觉的心理机制研究属于偏理论性的研究,争议还比较多,需要进一步探讨;阈下知觉的应用研究具有广阔的发展前景,社会价值高。基于这三个层面建立阈下知觉研究的体系不仅具有理论研究的意义,也具有实践应用的意义。 Three levels are included in the research in subliminal perception. The first level is to research the exis- tence of subliminal perception and its effects. The second level is to discuss the psychological mechanism of subliminal perception. And the third level is to invest the potential application. Among the three levels, the research in the existence of subliminal perception is integrity along with its experimental paradigm and its persuasive statistics. However, the discus- sion of the psychological mechanism of subliminal perception is filled with disputabilities and needs further research. And the application research of subliminal perception is of great prospection and social value. The system of research in sub- liminal perception based on the three levels is not only of theoretical meaning, but also of applicative meaning.
出处 《国防科技》 2013年第4期4-9,共6页 National Defense Technology
基金 国家社科基金项目(12GJ003-180) 国防科学技术大学科研项目(JZ12-08-08) 总装装备预先研究项目
关键词 阈下知觉 阈下启动 无意识 心理机制 应用研究 subliminal perception, subliminal priming, nonconscious, psychological mechanism, applicative research
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