目的 研究切割 bcl- 2 m RNA核酶对人胆管癌细胞致瘤性的影响 .方法 将合成的切割 bcl- 2 m RNA核酶基因与真核细胞表达载体重组 ,并用重组后的载体转染人胆管癌细胞 ,再将经转染的胆管癌细胞接种于裸鼠皮下 ,观察该肿瘤细胞的致瘤情况 .结果 转染切割 bcl- 2 m RNA核酶基因的胆管癌细胞的 bcl- 2表达水平及裸鼠体内致瘤性 (0 / 5 )较对照组 (8/ 10和 5 / 5 )明显下降 .结论 该切割 bcl- 2 m RNA核酶能明显降低胆管癌细胞内 bcl-
AIM To study the effect of bcl-2 mRNA-cleaving ribozyme (RZ) on tumorogenicity of cholangioma cells in nude mice. METHODS Synthesized gene of bcl-2 mRNA-cleaving RZ was recombined with a retroviral vector that can transcribe and express in eukaryotic cells, and transfected into human cholangioma cells, and then the cells were inoculated into subcutaneous tissue of nude mice. Tumorogenicity of the cholangioma cells in nude mice was observed. RESULTS bcl-2 expressing level of transfected cholangioma cells and their tumorogenicity in nude mice were declined evidently (0/5) compared with control groups (8/10 and 5/5). CONCLUSION bcl-2 mRNA-cleaving RZ can cut down bcl-2expressing level of cholangioma cells notably and reduce tumorogenicity of the cells in nude mice.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University