目的 探讨小肝癌的介入治疗效果和影响因素。方法 用介入法治疗 42例小肝癌 ,并用COX回归模型对其进行生存分析。结果 (1) 4 2例小肝癌肝动脉造影显示 2 6例肿瘤血管丰富 ,37例有肿瘤染色 ,其中 34例为结节状染色。 (2 )用Kaplan Meier法计算 42例小肝癌介入治疗后的 1、3、5年生存率分别为 88% (37/ 42 ) ,74% (31/ 42 ) ,5 1% (2 1/ 42 )。 (3)COX回归分析显示临床分期、分型和肿瘤灶内碘油沉积情况显著影响小肝癌的介入疗效。结论 (1)小肝癌的诊断依据除肿瘤血管外 ,最重要的是结节状肿瘤染色。 (2 )小肝癌的介入疗效显著 。
Objective To investigate the curative effect and influential factors of small hepatocellular carcinoma (SHCC) treated by interventional therapy. Methods 42 patients with SHCC were treated by interventional therapy. Some possible prognostic factors were analysed with COX proportional hazard regression model. Results (1)Hepatic arteriographic manifestations: 26 of 42 cases SHCC revealed rich tumor vessels, 37 had tumor stain including 34 with nodular stain. (2)The overall 1 , 3 , 5 year survival rates of SHCC using Kaplan Meier method were 88%(37/42),74%(31/42),51%(21/42), respectively. (3)Clinical staging and typing of the patients,and accumulation of Lipiodol within the tumor obviously influenced interventional effects of SHCC. Conclusion (1) The most important diagnostic angiographic sign of SHCC is tumor staining, besides tumor vessels. (2) Interventional therapy of SHCC has an ideal effect and should be an important nonoperable curative method.
Chinese Journal of Radiology
国家"九五"科技攻关项目 !(96 90 7 0 3 0 1)