针对目前高校微生物发酵专业学生难以实现学习与实践相结合的状况,本文利用3DSMax建模技术和Flash动画技术以及ActionScript 3.0编程技术创建功能强大适应于专业学生实践的微生物发酵平台。在3DSMax中创建发酵罐模型和各种阀门及管线并进行级联;在Flash中模拟基本操控知识测试、演示模式和演练模式,实现二、三维联动;运用ActionScript 3.0编程技术实现排序题和选择题的设计、键盘控制设计和碰撞测试设计。该平台具有仿真度高、人机交互控制性强和可移植性等特点。
In view of the status of the student of biology microorganism profession lack in production practices, a platform for mi- croorganism fermentation professionals' production practices is designed and implemented by using the 3DSMax modeling tech- niques, Flash and ActionScript 3.0. The paper builds models of fermentation tank, valves and pipelines, which are in cascade. Then, simulates the basic manipulation knowledge test, the demo mode and the exercises mode in Flash. After that, implements the design of choice question, sorted question, keyboard control and hit-testing by using ActionScript 3. O. The platform is of characteristics, such as high-degree of simulation, human-computer interaction, and portability.
Computer and Modernization