为了探讨湖南省大学生体质长期变化趋势,从1985—2010年6个《中国学生体质与健康调研报告》中摘录了湖南省19~22岁大学生的身体形态、生理机能和运动素质指标,进行了动态分析.结果显示:1985年后的25年,湖南省大学生身高、体重等身体形态指标持续增高;肺活量持续降低,且2005年后降速增大;50m跑、立定跳远、引体向上等成绩下降,速度、力量素质减退;1 000 m和800 m跑成绩持续下降,与全国大学生的变化趋势不同,2010年也未见降幅缩小、降速降低的迹象.大学生体育锻炼的时间和强度不足是影响其呼吸机能、身体素质下降的直接原因.建议学校深化体育教学改革,加强健康教育,培养学生终身体育意识,开展多种形式的课外体育活动,增强学生体质.
In order to explore the long-term change trends of university students' physical fitness in Hunan province, the test results of the 19~22 years old students' body shape, physical function and sports quality in this province were extracted from six reports on the physical fitness and health surveillance of Chinese school students from 1985 to 2010, and were dynamically analyzed. The results showedthat during the 25 years after 1985, the students' body shape such as height and weight continued to increase in Hunan province; the lung capacity continued to reduce, and the decline speed increased after 2005; the results of 50 m running, standing long jump and pull-ups were lower, the speed and strength qualities decreased; the results of 1 000 m and 800 m running continued to decline, no significant reduction about this decrease and no the same change trend with the national college students in 2010. The lack of students physical exercise time and intensity were the direct reason for decline in respiratory function and physical quality. It were suggested that school should deepen physical education reform, strengthen health education, develop students' consciousness of lifetime sports and carry out various kinds of extracurricular sports activities, improve the students' physical fitness.
Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science(Science and Technology)
physical fitness
dynamic analysis