
一种新型的宽带双极化基站天线 被引量:3

A novel wideband dual-polarized base-station antenna
摘要 提出一种新型的宽带双极化辐射单元,该辐射单元的辐射臂由普通方形对称振子的辐射臂向内折弯构成,形成一个附加小U型,它可以展宽带宽,且缩小辐射单元的口径面积;采用内部相向开口的半开放式巴伦结构,并用双倒L型耦合馈电,改善了隔离特性和波束收敛性。利用这种辐射单元组阵,形成四单元的基站天线,仿真结果表明,1.7~2.7GHz频段内,该辐射单元的电压驻波比(voltagestandingwaveratio,VSWR)小于1.4,隔离度小于-30dB;同时,利用该辐射单元组成的四单元基站天线辐射参数优良,水平面半功率波束宽度达到65°±5°,±60°交叉极化鉴别率小于-12dB,前后比小于-25dB。 A novel wideband dual-polarized radiation element is presented, and the radiation arm of this element uses the ordinary square arm of dipole to form an additional U-shaped structure bending inward. It has a wider bandwidth and narrow size. Meanwhile, the balun has an internal semi-opening structure. This element is fed by double inverted-L probes. The i- solation and beam convergence are improved. Then, an antenna with four of this element is simulated. The radiation ele- ment achieved a common impedance bandwidth of 1.7 - 2.7 GHz ( VSWR 〈 i. 4) at both input ports, it also has good per- formanee in isolation, which is more than -30 dB between the two input ports. Also, the antenna has an exeellent per- fornlanee in radiation pattern. Across the entire operating frequency, the measured half-power beamwidth in the H-planes is within 65 °± 5°,the cross-polarization levels is less than - 12 dB and the front-to-back ratio is less than -25 dB.
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期589-592,共4页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 新型 宽带 双极化 基站天线 novel wideband dual-polarized base-station antenna
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