Nonlinear control and synchronization of a class of nonlinear coupled dynamical systems
Nonlinear control and synchronization of a class of nonlinear coupled dynamical systems
In this paper, a control problem for a class of nonlinear coupled dynamical systems is proposed and a continuous nonlinear feedback control law is designed using direct Lyapunov method to solve the proposed control problem. Moreover, synchronization problem for a special case of this class nonlinear coupled dynamical systems is concerned. Numerical examples show the effectiveness and advantage of the designed continuous nonlinear control law and derived synchronization result.
In this paper, a control problem for a class of nonlinear coupled dynamical systems is proposed and a continuous nonlinear feedback control law is designed using direct Lyapunov method to solve the proposed control problem. Moreover, synchronization problem for a special case of this class nonlinear coupled dynamical systems is concerned. Numerical examples show the effectiveness and advantage of the designed continuous nonlinear control law and derived synchronization result.
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