

Analysis of clinical symptom of primary plasma cell stomatitis
摘要 目的:分析原发性浆细胞性口炎的临床特点,为该病的诊治提供有价值的参考。方法:使用电了文献数据库、中英文纸质文献数据库、网络引擎、临床收集4种方法收集原发性浆细胞性口炎的病例报道,提取有效的与临床紧密相关的资料进行统计分析。结果:43篇合格文献纳入本研究,加上2例临床患者,共88例患者病例资料。分析结果示:原发性浆细胞性口炎在北美洲病例数最多(38例),男性:女性=7:15,半均年龄43.39±18.86岁,发病多存21~30岁和5l~60岁之间。40.91%的患者可查及明确的过敏原,38.60%患者仅累及单个部位,且最常累及牙龈和唇部;临床体征多样化,主要分为红斑、红斑糜烂和增生性损害3型,病理检奄为确诊指标(吲有层密集成熟的浆细胞浸润);目前尚无特效治疗方案,最常采用的是局部使用免疫抑制剂(应用率为40.50%),其中32.10%的病例有效。结论:原发性浆细胞性口炎是一类病因不明、少见的浆细胞浸润口腔黏膜的特殊炎症,过敏是诱因之一,特征性的牙龈红斑对疾病具有提示意义,预后一般良好,但最终转归还需观察。 Objective:To summarize and analyze the elinieal features of primary plasma cell stomatitis,amt to provide a valuable reference for the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Method:The case reports of primalT plasma cell stomatitis were collected by using electronic bibliographic databases,paper bibliographic database,web search engines, and clinical col- lection. The effective information on clinical diagnosis was selected and statistically analyzed. Result:A total of 88 patients were included in the study including 86 patients from 43 clinical ease reports that met the inclusion criteria,and 2 patients collected by researchers in clinical treatment. The analytical results are shown: Primary plasma cell stomatitis has the maxi- mum number of cases (38 cases) in North America,with a male to female ratio of 7:15;the mean age was 43.39±18.86,the in- cidence peak existed in 21-30 group and 51-60 group;40.91% patients were found with clear allergens; the disease bit analysis showed 38.60 % patients involving a single site,mostly involving the gingiva and lips; clinical signs were diversified, mainly divided into erythema, erythema and erosion, hyperplasia lesion; the indicators were confirmed by pathological exami- nation,showing the presence of an abundant mature plasma cells infiltrating within the connective tissue;At present,there is no specific treatment method, immune-suppressive locally used tends to be the most common way. (the application rate was 40.50 % with the highest efficiency about 32.10 %). Conclusion:Primary plasma cell stomatitis is a kind of rare oral mucosal disease of unknown etiology. Allergy is one of the triggers. The erythema on gingiva was significantly suggestive of the dis- ease;The prognosis is usually benign but the final outcome still needs observation.
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2013年第10期628-632,共5页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
关键词 原发性 浆细胞口炎 临床特点 病理特点 Primary: plasma cell stomatitis clinical features pathological features
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