Objective:To investigate the value of retrospective ECG-gated whole aortic CT angiography (CTA) using 256 slice CT,in combination with ECG-controlled dose modulation in patients with aortic dissection (AD). Methods: 58 ca- ses with AD (ECG-controlled dose modulating group,group A) underwent retrospective ECG-gated whole aortic CTA in combination with ECG-controlled dose modulation. The maximal exposure time was set at 45 %R-R interval and reconstructed at 45 %R-R interval. The control group (group B) included 72 cases with AD undergoing non-ECG-gated aortic CTA. The image quality of the aortic root region, demonstration of the first intimal tear and the effective dose (ED) were compared between the two groups. Results: All cases with AD in group A were accurately classified according to Stanford system on CTA images,the shape of the true lumen and false lumen, the extent of AD and the involvement of vascular branches were accurately demonstrated. The score of the aortic root region was 1.40±0.59 and 2.63±0.49 in group A and group B respectively, with statistically significant difference. On axial images, the first intimal tear was clearly demonstrated in 51 cases and unclearly in 7 cases in group A whereas which was clearly demonstrated in 60 cases and unclearly in 12 cases of Group B,with no statistically significant difference. The effective dose in Group A and B was (11. 15 ±3. 51)rosy and (15.16±1. 31)mSy respectively, with statistically significant difference. Conclusion: For patients with AD, retrospective ECG-gated whole aortic CTA in combination with ECG-controlled dose modulation should be the modality of choice,which can not only guarantee the quality of the images,demonstrate AD adequately, but also reduce the radiation dose.
Radiologic Practice