
退火方式对含硼冷轧深冲搪瓷钢组织性能的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Annealing Modes on Microstructure and Properties of Boron Containing Cold-Rolled Deep-Drawing Enamel Steel
摘要 在实验室条件下研究了罩式退火和快速连续退火两种方式对含硼搪瓷钢微观组织、力学性能和抗鳞爆性能的影响.结果表明:适当增加Mn,S的质量分数和添加微量B,实验钢不同方式退火板的性能均较好;连续退火板强度稍高于罩式退火板,伸长率A_(50)和rm值明显高于罩式退火板,综合力学性能较好;连续退火板的氢扩散速率明显小于罩式退火板,主要得益于采用快速连续退火得到的实验钢中铁素体晶粒内存在大量弥散分布的渗碳体颗粒作为有效氢陷阱;采用快速连续退火可以实现含硼搪瓷钢良好的力学性能和抗鳞爆性能的匹配. The effect of two annealing modes (batch annealing and rapid continuous annealing) on the microstructure, mechanical properties and fish-scale resistance of boron containing enamel steel was investigated. The results showed that appropriately increasing the mass fraction of Mn, S and adding trace boron, both the tested steel sheets under the two annealing modes had good properties. The strength of the continuous annealed sheet was slightly higher, and the elongation A^0 and r^-values of the continuous annealed sheet were apparently higher than that of the batch annealed sheet. The continuous annealed sheet showed better comprehensive mechanical properties. The hydrogen diffusion rate in the continuous annealed sheet was much lower than that in the batch annealed sheet. This was mainly attributed to large amount of dispersed cementite particles precipitate within ferrite grains which can act as effective hydrogen traps in the ultra-fast continuous annealing steels. The match of good mechanical properties with fish-scale resistance of the boron contained enamel steel was realized through rapid continuous annealing process.
出处 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期1412-1415,共4页 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2011CB606306-2)
关键词 搪瓷钢 快速连续退火 渗碳体 微量硼 抗鳞爆性能 enamel steels rapid continuous annealing cementite trace boron fish-scale resistance
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