目的 了解重睑与隆鼻术一期与分期成形手术效果以及术区肿胀时间的差异。方法 随机将受术的单睑合并鞍鼻者分为一期成形组和分期成形组。术后比较肿胀消除时间以及内眦间距,眼裂高度,鼻根高,鼻长度和额鼻角等美学参数。结果 术后肿胀消除时间一期成形较分期成形总时间短,其余参数两组间无差异。结论 重睑与隆鼻术一期与分期成形手术效果相同,但一期成形手术的术后肿胀消除时间较分期成形总时间短,使其康复回归工作岗位时间缩短。
:Objective To compare the duration of edema and the effect of one-stage and two-stage augmentation rhinoplasty and oriental blepharoplasty. Methods The patients of saddle nose with single eyelids were randomly divided into one-stage group and two-stage group. The duration of edema and the parameters of the width of the angulus oculi medialis, the height of ocular fissure, the height of radix nasi, the length of nose and the frontonasal angle were compared post operation. Results The duration of edema of one-stage operations was shorter than that of operations in two-stage and other parameters had no differences. Conclusion The effects of one-stage and two-stage augmentation rhinoplasty and oriental blepharoplasty have no difference but the duration of edema of one-stage operation is shorter than that of operations in two-stage, which lead to recovery and return to work earlier.
Journal of Chongqing Medical University