
一种基于双模糊控制的视频传输策略 被引量:3

A Based on Double Fuzzy Control of Video Transmission Strategy
摘要 由于网络电视用户的快速增长,使得选择合适的视频拥塞控制方法极为重要。在分析和比较TCP友好速率控制(TFRC)和速率适配协议(RAP)的基础上,提出一种双模糊控制策略的闭环梯度估计拥塞的方法,其能够动态自适应输出编码视频流而不依赖于丢包率。通过仿真证明了采用双模糊控制策略拥塞估计方法能够很好地平滑发送速率,同时在传输过程中获得更高的带宽利用率,在视频接收端丢包数量明显减少,视频传输质量有较大提高。 Due to the rapid growth of the Internet TV users, so selecting the appropriate video congestion con- trol is extremely important. On the basis of the analysis and comparison of TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC) and rate adaptation protocol (RAP) , proposing a double fuzzy control strategy that the closed-loop gradient estimation methods, the ability to dynamically adaptive output encoded video streams instead of relying on packet loss rate. Simulation results show that this congestion estimation method compared with conventional congestion control, transmission rate of a smoother, higher bandwidth utilization, thereby greatly reducing the number dropout in the video receiving side, the video transmission quality has improved significantly.
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2013年第28期8487-8491,共5页 Science Technology and Engineering
关键词 视频传输 梯度估计 自适应 双模糊控制 video transmission gradient estimation adaptive double fuzzy control
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