目的 观察晶体过敏性葡萄膜炎(PU)的发病情况及病理学改变。方法 选用新西兰大白兔制作PU动物模型,观察PU发生情况及其病理学变化。结果与结论 PU发生率为70.27%,主要表现为虹膜睫状体血管扩张充血,浆细胞、淋巴细胞、单核细胞及中性粒细胞在该处浸润,早期有嗜酸性粒细胞浸润的非肉芽肿性炎症,无结节样结构,也无组织坏死增生;少量眼则表现为以虹膜睫状体部分组织出血坏死为特征的Arthus型炎症。均符合免疫复合物型炎症的病理改变。
objective To study the development of phacoallergic uveitis (PU) and its pathological changes. Methods Animal models of PU were established, and the pathological changes of PU were observed under light microscope. Results The rate of PU development in the animal models was 70.27%. Microscopic observation revealed infiltration of inflammatory cells (plasmacytes, lymphatic cells and monocytes) in the iris and the ciliary body. In 6 (23%) seriously diseased eyes, inflammation of Arthus type characterized by bleeding and necrosis in the iris and the ciliary body was observed. Conclusion The pathologic changes of PU conform to that of the inflammation due to immune complex.
Journal of First Military Medical University