
数字化快速成型种植导板在上前牙区种植的临床应用研究 被引量:14

Application of digital rapid process implant template in implant surgery of maxillary anterior teeth area
摘要 目的评价数字化快速成型种植导板在上前牙区种植的临床应用效果。方法对2010年4月至2012年6月在河南大学第一附属医院口腔科就诊的6例上前牙缺失患者,拍摄螺旋CT及常规取超硬石膏模型,经过三维重建、模拟种植及数字化快速成型技术制作导板后,将该导板应用于手术中。术后再次拍摄螺旋CT并与术前的情况进行对比。结果6例患者均应用该导板完成手术,手术效果满意。患者术后反应轻微,植入后3~6个月均顺利完成冠部修复,美观效果良好。经过术前、术后CT结果对比,种植体颈部的偏移为(0.71±0.17)mm,根部的偏移为(0.85±0.19)mm。结论数字化快速成型种植导板应用于上前牙种植,具有明显的技术优势与广阔的应用前景。 Objective To evaluate the effect of the application of digital rapid process implant template in implant sur- gery of maxillary anterior teeth area. Methods Totally six patients with maxillary anterior teeth missing who need im- plant surgery were collected and the implant template was made by digital rapid process technology and was used in implant surgery. Then the deviations of the implant body were measured. Results The surgery process was satisfactory. Slight postoperative reaction was observed, and 3-6 months after implant crown repair was successfully completed. In CT image the deviation of the neck and apical of the implant body was (0.71±0.17)mm and (0.85±0.19)mm, respectively. Conclusion The digital rapid process implant template is a very effective method in implant surgery of maxillary anterior teeth area.
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2013年第9期534-536,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
基金 河南省医学科技攻关计划项目(2011020109)
关键词 快速成型技术 种植导板 上前牙区 rapid process technology implant template upper anterior teeth area
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